Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Story Time

I'm thrilled that a bookworm like me has a daughter who enjoys reading books so much. She constantly brings me books and asks to sit on my lap for story time. Even though Mike is away, he found a way to join in on Grace's story time by recording himself reading to her.

One look on her face and you can see that her daddy's efforts did not go to waste. She loved it!


Meagan said...

That is just too sweet!! Thanks for sharing.

Julie, the mama said...

That is so adorable! Wish Grace would come talk to my kids about reading. Books have always been such a huge part of my life, and both of kids have little interest in sitting for a story. Now using the books to make paths across my living room, that is a whole other story. I love that Grace is so into books.

Lola said...

I love the way she says "BOOK" with such clarity and emphasis.