Monday, March 22, 2010

Because I Miss Him

My goal today was to reorganize my clothes in the closet and drawers. When we moved here, I just shoved them all in haphazardly without any particular order and I haven't had the time or the motivation to do anything about it. It took me a good part of the day to get it done, but my closet is now organized by color, in the order of the color spectrum. I know, a bit anal, but I think it looks prettier that way.

In the process, I had to move around some of Mike's stuff and for whatever reason, touching all his clothes and remembering the last time he wore that shirt or wore those pants made me really miss him. So I went ahead and reorganized all his stuff too. I didn't organize it by color though because, really, everything is pretty much orange and maroon.

During the big closet re-do, Grace was left to entertain herself, and she did a pretty good job of it. She somehow learned to take her pants off and had a ball climbing in and out of the suitcase I left out for her to play with.

Not a very exciting Monday, but at least it was productive. I never thought I'd ever say that folding and organizing Virginia Tech and Tommy Bahama t-shirts would be fun, but it was. Only because I miss him.


Meagan said...

It must be closet cleaning time. I also enjoy the task, maybe we can get a discount on therapy? Ha!

Julie, the mama said...

Few things are better than an organized closet!