Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Must Have Accessory and Hucks

I bought Grace her first pair of sunglasses when she was just three months old. We were taking our first family vacation to Saipan and they were mainly for picture purposes. A year later and those shades are now Grace's must have accessory. She asks me to put them on her all the time and then giggles when I do. Such a little diva!

Grace's vocabulary is growing everyday and while I may be the only one who can interpret her words at this point, it's still pretty exciting. Her new one is 'huck', also known as a hug. She comes up to me saying 'huck' and that's my cue to wrap her in a big bear hug. Then she'll take my face between her little hands and kiss one cheek with a big 'mwaah' and then turn my face so she can get the other side too. Very Italian. She may not look it, but the girl does have some Italian blood in her.

I don't ever want to forget these sweet moments.


Lola said...

My Little stariray! Cute!

Julie, the mama said...

Hucks is about the cutest thing I've ever heard in my life!