Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Keep on Tryin'

There was a family support group meeting tonight for Mike's ship. I went back and forth about whether or not I should go. But if I don't get out there and make an effort to meet new people, I'll only have myself to blame for being lonely. So I put Grace in her best dress and off we went with high hopes of finding a new friend.

I walked into the meeting room with a smile and radiating a 'let's be friends' vibe. I immediately felt like the new girl in school where everyone's been friends with each other since kindergarten. There were clusters of women scattered around the room and none of them seemed very interested in making eye contact with me. Even my sure fire conversation starter, Grace, didn't seem to work tonight.

Grace and I found our way to an empty seat and made it through the meeting. And then we left without making a single new friend. A little disappointing but luckily I'm pretty resilient. I'll just have to keep on tryin'....


Unknown said...

Well, you've got me as a friend...not just a brother.

Anonymous said...

It's thier loss, Cicely. (That's the printable version of what I really wanted to say.)
Love you!

Julie, the mama said...

This post just made me laugh, but only because I have SO been there. I remember when we went to the GW dinner cruise thing, and I felt like all of y'all knew each other, and that I would NEVER make friends with the group! HA!

At least you had Grace as a distraction. Imagine how embarrassing it would have been if you had been alone. Just sayin...

Love, love, love you!!!!