Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Back to Normalcy....for a little bit.

We've brought Claire home, and have settled into somewhat of a routine.  However, I head back to sea tomorrow, and Lola will have to go back to Virginia Beach at some point as well.  So at least until I return in late May, Cicely will have it rough for a bit, but nothing she can't handle, for there is light at the end of the tunnel.  This will be my last time at sea onboard the Farragut - for those who don't know yet, we'll be moving up to Virginia this Summer, as I'll be attending the College of William & Mary for my MBA.  We've yet to be so close to our family since we married, so this will be a nice change, at least until 2014 when we'll have to move again.

Grace is ready to take her little sister home!

Givin' her some lovin' at home.
Grace changes her first diaper - and a #2, no less!
Claire's first Sunday Mass.

Final quality time w/ Daddy's girls before going back to sea.
We were also able to have a newborn photo session on Claire's 1 week Birthday - we'll be sure to post those once they're available!