Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lots of Laughter

This girl kept me laughing all day long. I can't say this enough: I love, love, LOVE being a stay-at-home mama! I can't imagine missing out on all this fun. We chased each other around the house, played with all her dolls, read all her books, and did a lot of baking- carrot and pineapple whole wheat mini muffins (healthy for her) and chocolate chip coconut pecan cookies (not so healthy for me).

The house isn't as clean as I'd like right now, but it smells delicious.

Even this little bathroom incident this morning had me giggling. I try so hard to make sure she doesn't have access to the bathrooms because I fear moments like this. I guess I need to try a little harder. This was her favorite little book too, but there was no salvaging it after it took a swim in the toilet bowl.


Julie, the mama said...

I feel the same way about being a stay-at-home mom. I wouldn't trade all of those little things - even things like the toilet bowl incident - for the whole wide world. What a blessing that our husbands are so supportive of our dreams to be home raising our youngins!

Michael said...

Toilets and children always lead to such surprises.

Meagan said...

Being an at home Mom is the BEST!

LOVE the top picture!

Aunt Megan said...

I love it all! The cupcakes and toilet incident. Come to VB already! Haha

Lola said...

I am missing my baby terribly.