Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Elizabeth Claire

Thanks to everyone for your prayers, and well wishes.  Claire was born at 1:06 pm on Monday, here in Jacksonville.  She and Cicely are doing well....sorry I didn't update the blog in near-real time, as we did when Grace was born; the Wi-Fi in the hospital was out.  Here are the highlights, sports fans!

All scrubbed up, ready to get this baby out!

My view during the C-section delivery.

Doing my Fatherly duty of cutting the umbilical cord...which means I have to right to put it back on if she tries to stray to far as a teenager.

Get used to Daddy now, sweety - I'll be watching you and your sister until you're married off....which should be in about  35 years.

Hello, beautiful eyes.
All these women in my life are wearing me out!

In this rare moment of peace, Claire is asleep.  Don't let this innocent face fool you.  Her cry is quite shrill, and refuses to not be held....already high maintenance at such a young age.

Grace has been ready to be the 'Big Sister'  for  a while!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Getting Ready for a New Chapter

I know it has been a long, long time since I've posted. I'm so very sorry about that, but the days have just flown by.

 I promise to one day fill in the gap of four months that I've missed documenting, but for now, we need to get ready as we start a new chapter in our family story- our adventures as a family of FOUR.

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, we head to the hospital to finally meet our baby girl. Big sister Grace is beyond excited, as are Mike and I. Lola and Grandpa and Grandma Augustine are in town to help out and we are so very grateful they can be here.

Please keep us in your prayers that everything goes smoothly tomorrow!

This picture was taken by Christy Spurlock of Southern Expressions Photography. She is an amazingly talented photographer that I am also privileged to be able to call a friend.