Saturday, October 8, 2011

Flower Girl

We were honored when a dear friend and Mike's childhood buddy, Laura, asked if Grace could be the flower girl for her wedding. I was a little nervous about how she would do because while Grace is usually very friendly and social, she does have her moments of shyness.

Turns out I had absolutely nothing to worry about. Everything went beautifully. Grace did her job well. The bride was absolutely stunning. The wedding and reception was a blast. So much so that Grace fell asleep right before the cutting of the cake.

It was a whirlwind weekend of wedding festivities that took me two full days to recover from, but we were so happy to be able to witness the marriage of such a special couple. Congratulations, Laura and Ian!

Yes, I am pregnant and, yes, that is an alcoholic beverage in my hand. No, I was not drinking- I was holding it for the bride. Just wanted to clarify. For those who don't know, even if I wasn't pregnant, I couldn't drink. I'm allergic. Yes, to alcohol.

Tearing it up on the dance floor.

Taking her flower petal throwing duty very seriously.

This might be my favorite picture from the evening- she was running around the dance floor trying to catch all the bubbles while the newlyweds danced their first dance.

All tuckered out! Who says being a flower girl is easy?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Back on Track

I am desperately trying to get back on track to blogging regularly again. I was so disappointed when I was looking at September's entries and noticed there were only three. Three! That is just unacceptable. So here is part one of a multi-entry attempt at catching y'all up...

We have been in Virginia Beach for almost two weeks now while Farrah (AKA USS Farragut) and Mike have their whirlwind adventures. With my feeling so poorly lately and having a husband gone all the time, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to head to Virginia Beach to visit family (read: have extra help with Grace and have my mama cook all my favorite foods).

Here's what we were up to before heading up to the Beach:

We watched Elmo and friends live...

We searched daily for lizards in our bushes and spiders in our doorframe...

I let Grace have her fill of Krispy Kreme donuts. And the amazing part is I didn't eat a single one. And if you knew me when I was pregnant with Grace, you know how much I LOVE those Krispy Kreme donuts! It's amazing to me how different my cravings are with this pregnancy.

We had to say goodbye to some good friends. Our neighbor and dear friends, the Rinas family, will be moving while we are visiting in Virginia Beach. I hate that we won't be there to say goodbye when they move to Washington state. Grace is such a sweet little playmate to Grace, and her mama, Joan, has been the dearest kind of friend. Joan has watched Grace countless times and was always around to bring me meals and just keep me company when I wasn't feeling the best. I will miss her immensely, but I wish them the best of luck as they start their new adventure.