Monday, March 29, 2010

Lola to the Rescue

Grace and I are headed to Virginia Beach tomorrow. It was a trip that came very close to not happening. My bestest friend, Josyl, was supposed to fly down here and keep us company on the drive, but unfortunately, the poor thing threw out her back and is unable to move at the moment. A plane trip and a 12 hour plus car ride would've been impossible for her.

I called my parents to let them know we had a problem. There was no way they weren't going to see their grandbaby for Easter, so my dad booked the next flight to Jacksonville for my mom and she arrived safely this morning.

Our road trip to Virginia Beach begins bright and early tomorrow morning. I'm going to set up the DVD player for Grace, just in case, but I really don't think she'll need it now that her Lola will be keeping her company.