Thursday, March 4, 2010

Grace's Favorite Word

For months now, Grace has been saying no by shaking her head back and forth. This week she has finally mastered it verbally. She answers any question I ask her with her favorite word and this exaggerated expression. Sometimes, for effect, she'll even say it three times while shaking her head.

The battle to get her to eat continues. It's very hit or miss. At breakfast, she loved toast, which I slathered with butter for extra fat content, and sliced bananas. She ate it all up and I even sliced up extra bananas because she wanted more. Then at lunch, I offered her basically the same thing except I made a grilled cheese sandwich. She refused to eat it. She just mushed it all up and made a mess. Seriously? A grilled cheese sandwich is pretty much toast with a slice of cheese! But she wouldn't have any of it.

So I quickly made her toast the exact same way as this morning, but nope, she pushed it around and it all ended up on the floor.

Then I made her chicken nuggets, which she gobbled up yesterday. Apparently today, she didn't love it as much because she took one bite and threw it on the floor. Now, I refuse to be a short-order cook kind of mom, but it's hard not to succumb to that during times like this when you're worried about her being sick and not eating.

The one thing she does like, without fail, is nursing. I was on my way out of that. I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I had her nursing only at naptimes and bedtime and I was starting to cut out the nap time nursing. But now we're back full force because I can't deny her that resource when she's barely eating her food. Once all this is over, we'll start the weaning process once again. (Sigh) I was this close.


Michael said...

We hate to hear that Grace continues to be sick. Grandma can't wait to feed her nilaga, again. Give her lots of fluids to help control the fever. She will eat when she feels better.

Julie, the mama said...

Kids are sure full of surprises!

Meagan said...

It will get better!! You are doing a great job, keep your chin up.