Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Random Tidbits

Every time Grace has a phone, she opens it up and says "Dada" and proceeds to have a conversation. But if her Dada actually IS on the phone, the girl turns mute.

I let her start using a fork a few days ago and she loves it. She's so thrilled with herself when she actually gets a piece of food on it. She keeps trying to open the utensil drawer and asking for her 'bork'.

I found her like this while she was watching Sesame Street this morning.

I've been trying to teach Grace to help clean up. She is fascinated with the trash can so whenever I need to throw something away, I give it to her and she drops it in there. Now when she sees a crumb on the floor, she gets excited, picks it up, and yells "Trash!" so she can throw it in the trash can.

We were getting ready to go out this afternoon and I couldn't find her one sandal. Usually if I ask her where something is, she can run and find it for me, but this time she looked at me and said, "I dunno." I didn't have time to empty out her toy baskets, which is where most missing things end up, so I just put another pair of shoes on her. I later found out where that sandal was. And one of my own sandals as well. It was in the trash can.


Julie, the mama said...

Yep; as I was reading the blog, I was thinking to myself about our own trash can experiences. They were very similar to yours. Can you imagine the things that have been thrown away that we haven't discovered yet???

Meagan said...

Ahhhh.... you have entered my least favorite parenting stage. The Trashy Toilet Stage, where you find everything from blocks to wedding rings in the trash or toilet. I second what Julie wrote, I don't even want to know all the things I never found. Anthony and I spent many evenings digging in the garbage trying to locate something Miss Sticky Fingers had thrown out for us.