Thursday, May 20, 2010


Grace has this thing where she rarely refers to animals by their name. She likes to call them by the sound they make. There's a cat that's been hanging around our doorstep lately and so anytime we head out, she starts meowing like crazy and tries to search for it. That's what she's doing in these pictures. No sign of the cat today, but that didn't stop Grace from checking behind the bushes and looking in the driveway.

The only other exciting thing we did today was go to Target for some curtain shopping. If you could call curtain shopping exciting. But any trip that involves Target is an exciting time in my book. Grace's early bedtime means an earlier wake up too, and it doesn't help that her room gets a lot of light, even with the blinds closed. I found some room darkening curtains that I hope will help her sleep in a little longer.

Of course, I can never seem to leave Target with just the one item I came there for. Some extra thing(s) always ends up in the cart. I'm trying to build my summer wardrobe seeing how HOT and HUMID it is here, and I spotted a few things on sale. Grace was in a good mood so I thought I'd risk trying them on really quick. She did great in the dressing room. She giggled at herself in the big mirror and had fun trying to take the hangers away from me. But then I guess the novelty wore off and after about five minutes, she was asking me, "All done? All done?"

And the best news of all, today marked day two of not hearing any chest congestion in Grace! Thank you for keeping her in your prayers- it seems to be working!


Meagan said...

She looks darn precious in that dress, those shoes, and that bow!! Kay just went on and on about how cute she is.

And Target, ahhhhh Target. I will never take for granted the power of that store again. I miss it so darn much.

Glad y'all had such a good day!