Saturday, May 8, 2010

Beach Bum Baby

There were many challenging things about being an 8th grade English teacher, but the best perk ever was my summer off- free to be a beach bum for two whole months. If you asked me on any given summer day what my plans were, it would inevitably involve the beach.

My plans for Grace and I this summer will be pretty much the same as back then. The difference will be my activities and swimsuit style- back then it was hanging out and relaxing in a cute little bikini. Now it's digging in the sand and chasing a toddler around while wearing the most modest swimsuit I can find, without quite crossing into the 'matronly' category. If I could go to the beach in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, I would. But that would be suicidal in this Florida heat.

Thankfully Grace doesn't care what I wear, so long as I let her splash in the water and make a mess with the wet sand. I'm so glad I have a little beach bum baby. It makes planning summer outings so much easier.

Immediately after I took this picture, she shoved that shell she was so carefully inspecting in her mouth.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. She is so stinkin' cute Cicely!!! I'm happy that you'll have a regular spot for summer outings (I'm a little jealous :) ). Enjoy!!!

Josh said...


Aunt Megan said...

Her beach bum outfit is adorable!