Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Present From Daddy

We spent the day recuperating from our late night with the Estoestas. We slept in until 10, Grace took a long afternoon nap, and we never did make it to the grocery store for our big run. I won't be able to hold off the grocery trip much longer though. All I have left to eat are grapes.

Grace modeled her present from Daddy that came in the mail the other day- a dress from the Seychelles.


Meagan said...

Gold stars for Dad. That dress is just adorable on Grace! He will be home to see her wear it in person before you know it. :-)

Julie, the mama said...

That dress is absolutely adorable, and I LOVE that color on Grace. What a sweet daddy. I can't imagine what kind of dress Bill would pick out for Hendley. Or let me say, I wouldn't want to imagine what kind of dress Bill would pick out for Hendley! :-)

Lola said...
