Friday, May 14, 2010

Makeshift Pool

We were getting a bit of cabin fever so I thought we'd venture out to the neighborhood sprayground. I've been dying to check it out since the moment we moved in. And since kids are still in school, that place is empty in the mornings and early afternoons. Her coughing is still pretty random and so is the runny nose, so I risked an outing since nobody would be there anyway.

We changed into our bathing suits, slathered on the sunscreen, packed our beach bag with towels and our picnic lunch, and off we went. To get into the pool, you have to use this key card, very similar to what you'd use in hotels. I swiped it and nothing. Tried again. Nothing. I called the number that was posted on the board for help. The lady who deals with key issues was out of the office and so nothing could be done at the moment.

Grace was none too happy when I had to pry her away from the gate to the pool and told her we had to go home. We've definitely entered the temper tantrum stage- piercing screams and dramatic falls to the floor. But this one I felt was justified. What a tease to get her all dressed up and take her so that she's only a few feet away from the pool, and then march her right back home.

To make it up to her, I let her go 'swimming' in my bathtub. I know, it's really more like taking a bath, but I threw in a pool floaty to make it more authentic. She loved it!


Lola said...

Very innovative. Looks like she is really having fun.

Meagan said...

You are one crafty Mama! She looks like she had a blast, love the floaty!