Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Good Friend is Hard to Find

But I definitely found one here in Jacksonville. Nellie insisted I take some time for myself and babysat Grace for a few hours this morning. She actually tried to convince me I'd be doing her a favor if I let her keep Grace for a bit. With her two adorable toddler boys plus my active toddler girl- it was a nice try, but I know who was getting the better end of the deal. And did I mention she's pregnant? Thirty three weeks pregnant. When I was that far along, I was such a whale I could barely move, much less keep up with three toddlers. The woman is an absolute saint.

So I got a much needed haircut and did some shopping. When I'm out and about trying to shop with Grace, I always think, 'if I could just shop solo, I'd be able to buy more stuff for myself since I won't be distracted.' Then I finally get the opportunity and wouldn't you know, I didn't buy a single thing for me- it was all for Grace!

After my fabulous morning, I went to pick up Grace and found that Nellie was able to put her down for a nap. Seriously, is there anything this woman can't do? So we sat around for an hour while all the kids were napping and just chatted it up like a couple of teenagers. I think THAT was actually my favorite part of the day- being able to talk uninterrupted about random girl stuff. What a special treat!


Meagan said...

Sounds like you have found a wonderful friend! She does sound like a saint!!

I'm glad you had such a good day!

Lola said...

Thank her for me for her sweet kindness.

Julie, the mama said...

That is an amazing friend. She must be superwoman! Glad you got some time to yourself.