Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Note to Self

We went to the grocery store yesterday to pick up some fresh fruit and milk. Right next to the milk was a display of powdered donuts. It's hard to resist picking up a pack when you think of how good it'll be with a nice cold glass of milk. Why do they do this to shoppers? I suppose it's savvy marketing because even though I had no intention of buying any, my hand grabbed the bag of donuts and tossed them into the grocery cart. I justified the impulse buy by telling myself they'd be an excellent way to continue Operation Weight Gain for Grace.

This evening, that bag is nearly empty. Here's the breakdown of how many were eaten and by whom:

Grace: 3
Her Mama: All the rest

Note to self- In the future, ignore any and all display cases located near the milk.


Joannemay Estoesta said...

Cicely, those little tufts of white heaven are one of my weaknesses too! They are soooo goood!

Julie, the mama said...

I love them so much (especially when I'm pregnant) that Bill got me a bag for Mother's Day. Thankfully, Hendley has turned into my little partner in crime now so she helped me polish off the whole bag. I was quite proud of myself for sharing such a tasty treat!

Meagan said...

You have me craving those little powdery bit of goodness! And I can't find them anywhere, I sent Anthony to the store searching for some.