Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Couple of Shut-ins

That's what we were today. Grace is feeling great, and the disaster that is my house is proof. I did laundry and worked on projects that I've procrastinated on. It was a productive day. The only hiccup was Grace didn't want to sleep at her new bedtime. It took me a little over an hour to convince her. But she napped extra long this afternoon and 9:30 is still a lot earlier than she used to go to bed, so I'm okay with that.


Julie, the mama said...

Hey, sometimes you just gotta be a bit flexible!

Glad you were productive today. I'm hopeful I will one day have that feeling again, too.

Meagan said...

We are being shut-ins today too, but we are not being productive at all.

Grace's hair is sooooooo long and pretty!

Michael said...

We're happy to hear that Grace is feeling better. Long naps do wonders for sick children. We miss you and love you.

Grandma and Grandpa