Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fries and Tarzan

Right from the start of our day, Grace already had me giggling like a fool. Here's a snippet of our morning conversation...

What would you like to eat for breakfast, Baby?

As much as I adore that stinkin' cute face, I did not grant her request. She had a croissant with cream cheese and strawberry jam and fresh fruit instead.

You have got to have a sense of humor when you become a parent. Or else you'll be driven mad. And I mean both definitions of that word- crazy and upset. Today, it was easy to laugh about Grace's little "uh-oh". She's been playing peek-a-boo with my bedroom curtains for a while now. And maybe it was my mistake, but I let her because I found it cute.

This afternoon, she changed her game and decided to play Tarzan with the gauzy lightweight window covering. She's petite, but still, the curtain and rods weren't made to withstand a 20 pound toddler trying to swing on them. They came crashing down. Thankfully, not on her head. Here's another snippet of the conversation that followed that incident...

Oh my gosh! Grace, what did you do? (Said in the 'you're in trouble' mommy tone)
Grace: Huh-ho (Uh-oh)
You are in big trouble, Little Miss!
(Comes running towards me) Hug! Hug! Hug, Mama!

Grace thinks that giving a hug is her get out of jail free card. It erases any of her wrongdoing. And the sucker that I am, it works. Every. Single. Time.


Julie, the mama said...

I couldn't resist those hugs either.

Lola said...

Good thing Lola was not around or else she'll come running to Lola for rescue. Ha ha ha ha.