Monday, August 30, 2010

Just Breathe

I am exhausted. Completely and utterly exhausted. Today was laundry and cleaning day over here and trying to clean house is such a joke when I've got Grace running around undoing everything. I'm learning to just breathe slow and steady when I turn around and see yet another mess to clean up, in an area I've already cleaned, for the 10th time in less than an hour.

Grace is such a copycat and I guess I've been saying her name with such exasperation lately that now when I ask her what her name is, she says, "Grrrraaaaace," all drawn out and said with 'the tone'. Oooops. I guess I need to work better on just breathing slow and steady.

It might be time to convert her crib to a toddler bed because this is how I found her when I opened her bedroom door this morning. And she climbed out after her nap too.

As I was unloading the dryer, she was busy unloading all my purses.


Julie, the mama said...

I could totally relate to this post. I am forever saying to myself - "there will be plenty of time to clean the house when they go to college."