Monday, August 9, 2010

Sea World

So excited to be headed to Orlando! Grace loves being in her big girl car seat and even screams, "Weee!" whenever Mike turns a corner.

The Augustine Family vacation has officially started! Day one- Sea World. Sea World has this incredible special going for military and their family where they get in for free. It was just too good to pass up. The park wasn't as crowded as we anticipated, the weather was overcast making it slightly more bearable to be spending the day outdoors, and the afternoon rain shower helped to cool us down. The dolphin show was delightful, the killer whale show was slightly less impressive. Grace enjoyed her first time on a couple of amusement park rides- Sea World's version of the tea cup ride and the carousel. All in all, a fantastic start to our week long vacay.


Julie, the mama said...

Sounds like the start of a great trip.

Michael said...

Enjoy your vacation. Take lots of pictures! Grandma and Grandpa