Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I fell off the fitness wagon about the same time Mike came home. I had a feeling I would take a break while he was on vacation, but he's been back at work for over two weeks now and it's time to jump back on.

I had all the best intentions to start up again today, this being the first day of a new month. But goodness gracious, I could not get myself out of bed before 7:30, and by then, it was too late to work out because Grace would be up at any moment. In order for me to get a work out in before the start of the day, I have to be up by 5:30. And because I was up until past one (blame it on the awesome book I'm reading), it was pretty much impossible today. There's always tomorrow.

I don't remember what caused this moment of unhappiness, but the mood changed quickly once I mentioned the word 'popsicle'.

"Oh, yeah!"


Nellie said...

thursday is a perfect day to work out!

Julie, the mama said...

Isn't it funny how quickly their moods can change when you just mention something they want?! :-)