Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Great Ending

I wasn't sure how my day was going to go when I woke up to a torrential downpour and a baby who has learned how to climb out of her crib. I was tempted to just skip church this morning, bring Grace into bed with me, snuggle under the covers, and try to go back to sleep for a little while longer.

But once Grace is up, she is ready for the day. We had a quick breakfast and and then tried to ignore the relentless rain as we headed to church, Grace in her raincoat and me with an umbrella. Grace may not have let me sleep in this morning, but she made up for it by giving me a break at church. She was pretty well behaved for a change.

The rain continued on throughout the afternoon and with Mike being on duty again, I thought for sure we would, yet again, miss out on seeing him for dinner. I didn't really plan on taking a nap because there were other more productive things I wanted to get done, but the sound of the strong winds and heavy rains seduced me to sleep and my moment of 'let me just lay here and rest for a second' turned into an hour long snooze.

When I woke up, it was almost dinner time and the gloomy weather was replaced with sunshine, something I haven't seen in days! I was happy to see the sun again but even happier to know that Grace and I could finally visit Mike on the ship.

Dinner was picked up at a fast food drive through, but nobody seemed to mind. Grace enjoyed seeing her daddy. You can tell the girl missed him with all the kisses and hugs she showered on him. Thankfully, this was the last night of the three section duty for Mike so although he'll continue to have duty while on the ship, it won't nearly be as often as it has been for the past couple of weeks.


Meagan said...

YaY for the end of three section duty, those are the worst!

Aunt Megan said...

Wonderful pictures!