Monday, August 16, 2010

Daddy's Girls

Mike's first love is his Camaro who he lovingly named Catherine. This afternoon, he took all three of his loves- me, Grace, and Catherine- on a little road trip to St. Augustine to see the lighthouse.

Grace loved the view and had fun kicking her daddy's seat. I enjoyed looking at the beautiful beach houses and pretended to pick one out for our retirement home. Mike was thrilled to finally be taking Catherine out for a drive. And I even let him take the t-tops down on the way home, although I slightly regret that decision seeing the 'lovely' tan line I'm left with.

Mike heads back to work tomorrow. It's going to be hard for me and Grace to not have him around 24/7, but I'm thankful for the time we had to reconnect as a family.


Julie, the mama said...

So funny. Every time I see a Camaro, I think of Mike.

I am so glad y'all had this special time together. You definitely deserved every single second.