Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Before and After

There were a couple of things that I waited on doing until Mike got back- Grace's first haircut and facing her forward in her car seat. With the former, I wanted him to experience this milestone since he missed so many while he was gone, and this was something that I could easily hold off on so he could witness the event. With the second, I'm just in denial that my baby is growing up. Our goal today was to tackle both.

BEFORE HAIRCUT- looking a little unsure.

AFTER HAIRCUT- despite what it looks like, she actually enjoyed getting primped. She sat completely still the entire time, much to my absolute amazement. And I know her after picture looks much like her before, but I couldn't bear to cut off more than an inch.

Last time in a rear-facing car seat!

Facing forward like a big girl!


Joannemay Estoesta said...

Excuse me... Your husband is HOME! Who gave you permission to BLOG? I know, I know... It's for the Grandparents! Grace is the perfect combo of you and Mike!

Josh said...

Excuse me Ate Jojo don't forget about the brothers.

Nellie said...

aw! stop growing grace!