Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Sweet Girl

I could write about how we were late to church because of a last minute mandatory clean up session, thanks to a certain little lady. I could write about how I was thoroughly embarassed at church when the same little lady decided to play ring-around-the-rosies as I was trying to receive communion. I could write about how I chose to be lazy with a capital L during naptime and started a new Nicholas Sparks novel instead of tackling the laundry and crumbs on the floor. Or I could once again whine and complain how my husband's work schedule completely stinks.

Instead, I'm going to just say that I love my sweet girl. I absolutely adore her. Even when she's making a mess and embarassing me in front of the entire congregation. I never knew I could love this much.

I am so grateful and blessed that God chose me to be her mother, and I pray every day that He grants me the strength, patience, and wisdom to do my job well.


Meagan said...

LOVE those pictures!!

Julie, the mama said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean. I pray those same prayers.