Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chocolate Fix

Here are a few random facts from today:

*In order to make myself feel productive, since I was planning on serving leftovers for dinner, I made chocolate covered fruit for dessert. Making chocolate covered fruit with my little helper is a VERY messy, but yummy, job!

*Grace has had issues with going to sleep, both naps and bedtime, for the past couple of days. After being 'nice' for an hour and a half past bedtime tonight, I decided it was time for a little cry-it-out therapy. She was not happy with that at all. She kept yelling, "I'm crying! I'm crying!" I took a video since Mike and I thought it was funny, but there is no way it will be posted because we would be in big trouble with the grandparents if they saw evidence of our cruel child rearing methods.

*Grace's new word of the day is 'dookie', thanks to Elmo's potty video. Grace thinks it's hilarious. So does her daddy. Me, not so much.

*After months of trying to teach her, Grace finally learned how to blow her nose today.


Uncle Josh said...

send the video to me on facebook.! i wont show mom and dad.

Meagan said...

mmmmmmmmm..... I think I know what we're having for dessert.