Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ballerina Baybing Suit

Grace saw her bathing suit hanging up in her closet and begged me, "Mama, can I please put on my ballerina baybing suit? Please, please, please!" (While jumping up and down) So that's what she wore around the house today, prancing around and looking adorable.

Twirling and twirling. Please ignore the pile of laundry and vacuum cleaner in the background.

I, however, looked like a hot mess. That's what happens to me when I lose out on a couple of night's sleep.

Grace feels and acts fantastic during the day and that scary high fever from the other night has not made a reappearance, but that nagging cough is still there. The cough is rare during the day, but it makes up for it's daytime absence by coming back full force at night. So much so that she'll end up getting sick. I've had to change her bedding at least twice a night. I'm so thankful I have four sets of bedsheets.

When I'm not cleaning up throw up- on her, on me, on the bed, on the floor leading to the bathroom- I'm holding her upright so she can sleep without coughing. As much as I hate the tacky things, it's times like this when I wish I had a big, comfy recliner. Then maybe we could both get some sleep.

Other than that, things are looking good over here. We're still enjoying the fabulous 80 degree weather with lots and lots of sunshine. She has been asking to go to the playground, but I don't want to risk infecting other children while she's still got the crud. So I went and got Grace her very own slide, which is her favorite piece of equipment at the playground.

I'm a sucker for kids who are sick! Especially sweet ones who apologize for getting sick. It tears me up that she feels the need to say, "I'm sorry, Mama, it was an accident," whenever she throws up on her bed. How can you NOT get that kind of girl whatever her sweet little heart desires?


Meagan said...

I hope you two are feeling better soon! A sick kiddo is the worst!

She is ADORABLE, even when sick!

Julie, the mama said...

The night time cough is terrible. I'm dealing with it right now too and it sure makes for an EXHAUSTED mama!

Hope warmer weather washes away all of these germs soon.

Lola said...

Grace is doing the twirling. You did the ba-balloon when you were Grace's age. She is absolutely adorable. Hope she feels better soon. Love you...

Michael said...

We are so happy that Grace is happy, again.

Grandma and Grandpa