Friday, February 25, 2011

Fantastic Friday

Our favorite guy is home! We picked him up from work around lunch time, enjoyed an awesome Cuban lunch at Mambo's, and then headed home for long afternoon naps for all three of us.

This tour with Farrah has been brutal, that's for sure, but I can tell you one important lesson it has taught us- enjoy any family time you have. Don't take a single second for granted. Which is why, even though Mike just had to run a few mundane errands and it would have made more sense for me to just stay home to get things done around the house and start dinner, Grace and I hopped into the car with him and tagged along.

Farrah is only loaning Mike to us for a couple of days before she whisks him off again for a couple of weeks, so our time is precious. I hope Mike enjoys having a couple of extra shadows because Grace and I are going to be stuck to him like crazy glue.


Meagan said...

So glad he's home and y'all get to shadow him for a bit before he leaves again!