Friday, February 18, 2011

Bittersweet Friday

We enjoyed gorgeous 80 degree weather today. Grace and I tried to spend every single minute outside soaking up the fabulous sunshine. It is the start of a three day weekend and, miracle of miracles, Mike doesn't have weekend duty.

Sounds pretty fantastic, but here's the kicker- we had to drop Mike off at the ship before the sun was even up this morning. The underway schedule changed at the last minute and now they have to go out for a while, during a rare three day weekend in which Mike didn't have to go into work (for a change). Goodness gracious, we just seem to have the worst luck with Farrah. We can't ever catch a break!

But enough about that. Grace and I will keep busy and our number one guy will be back before we know it.

We picnicked on the lawn,

brought out the gallon sized bubbles and went crazy,

collected shells on the beach,

and got good and messy with all the sand.


Nellie said...

BOOOOOO for 3 day weekends and no hubs. wanna skype monday?

Meagan said...

That Farrah, she is a real kick in the pants!

I hope y'all have a great weekend and that the main man on campus is home soon.

Julie, the mama said...

I LOVE that last picture.

I can't stand that your sweet husband is on that crazy ship. This Navy stuff really interferes with our fun sometimes, doesn't it!?