Sunday, February 13, 2011

She Did It Again

Maybe it's because I put sunblock on her multiple times a day so she thinks it's okay if she does it, too. Maybe she is so used to putting it on that she doesn't think adult supervision is necessary. Maybe it's because she thinks it's make up and, being such a girly girl, she enjoys pretending to put on make up. Maybe it's because I have run out of places to hide things from such a determined toddler. Whatever the reason, Grace got into the sunblock lotion and smeared it all over herself, her clothes, and her bedding. Again. At least Mike has been home all weekend so he was on clean up duty.

The rest of our day was wonderful. We went shopping for my Valentine's Day gift, a new point and shoot camera so I don't have to lug the SLR with me every day. I know it doesn't sound romantic, but in my husband's defense, he did offer a trip to Tiffany's. But I told him I needed a camera more than jewelry. This time. And probably the only time where something else will trump a gift from a jewelry store.

Then it was off to our friends' house where they were hosting a pre-Valentine's Day get together. Grace had so much fun hanging out with all the kids and pretending to be older than she actually is. I enjoyed some much needed adult interaction. And the big bonus? The party wore Grace out so much that bedtime wasn't an issue. At least tonight.


Meagan said...

HA! That last picture had me laughing out loud. The best gift of all... a sleeping toddler.