Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dora, Help Us

Every spare moment I had today I was reading up on potty training tips. It is time to get serious about the whole potty training thing, especially after this morning's incident.

It all started while I was getting ready for church this morning. I left Grace playing in her room while I finished getting dressed. When I walked into her room to get her ready, I was greeted with a clean diaper on the floor and a naked baby who told me, "I go poop!" Naturally, I rushed her to the bathroom and sat her on the toilet.

I waited and waited, but nothing happened. Grace continued insisting, "I go poop," so we kept on waiting. In the meantime, I tried to give her potty pep talks- "You can do it!" and "Push, Grace, push!" I even sang, "Grace goes poo-poop in the potty! Grace goes poo-poop in the potty!"

Still nothing. I was starting to think the whole moment was just a false alarm when finally Grace said, "I go poop. On the floor."

My heart dropped. I whisked her off the toilet and asked her to show me where. Sure enough, she had pooped on her carpeted bedroom floor.

Needless to say, we were quite late for church. And the moment church let out, we headed straight for Target where we picked out a Dora potty seat and a pink step stool.

Starting tomorrow, Grace's potty training adventure officially begins. I have been dreading this moment for several reasons, but if I were to be completely honest with myself, the main reason is that I hate to admit my baby is growing up. Once she's in big girl panties, it's only a matter of time before she's in school, graduating, and off to college.

But ready or not, here we go!


Julie, the mama said...

Ugh...I feel your pain. I was trying to put it off until spring, but Boss seems to have other ideas.

Have fun on your adventure!

Meagan said...

Good luck!! That Dora potty seat brings back some memories, Kay had a Care Bear one. Sniff sniff.....

Beth said...

Let me know how it's going...I am needing to start soon too.