Tuesday, September 28, 2010

She Keeps Me Laughing

Grace and I didn't do anything particularly exciting today, but we managed to have fun anyway. She's really into diapers right now and she wants to diaper all of her stuffed animals and dolls. When a diaper wouldn't fit on her koala bear, she insisted I put it on her. And then we both had giggle fits at her silly antics.

I don't realize that there are certain phrases I say quite a bit until I catch Grace repeating them. As I was busy at the stove making dinner, she was busy making a big mess in the kitchen. She emptied out an entire bag of straws, pulled off all her refrigerator magnets, scattered her snacks, and dribbled milk all over the floor. I was oblivious to her mess making until I heard say, "Oh my gosh! It's a mess!"

Then as I was folding laundry, I saw her reaching for a newly folded pile, ready to undo all my work. I caught her eye, but before I could even say anything, she said, "No, ma'am!" As if by scolding herself, I'd let her get away with the naughty deed.

This age is so much fun!

How did my baby get so big?!?


Josyl said...

She's getting so big! Can't wait till I get to see my inaanak again! I hope sooner than later. ^^

Julie, the mama said...

Hilarious about the "oh my gosh...." I had a similar experience this morning when I heard Hendley say (as a shoebox lid wouldn't go on straight), "This is getting on my nerves." It got me so tickled as I know she got that from me.

We sure do have some adorable little sponges, don't we???

Michael said...

Children grow sooo fast. Tomorrow, she'll come home from school and want to borrow the car - the Camaro!

Meagan said...

I miss that age! It was so much fun!!