Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saturday Review

It's late and I'm so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open anymore. This is what happens when you wake up at four in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep. So today's post will be our day in review through pictures...

Grace and her buddies, the Baggett brothers. Today was Turner's 4th birthday party and Grace had a absolute blast.

Mama Nellie trying to help Grace bounce on the trampoline. The girl STILL doesn't know how to jump.

Finally, a picture of me and Nellie! Can you believe this woman had a baby just a few short weeks ago? If she wasn't such a fabulous woman and a good friend of mine, I'd be completely green with envy.

We ended our day with having dinner with Mike on the ship since he had duty. Here's Grace 'swimming' in the wardroom. Such a silly girl!
And if it was possible to wrap her daddy around her little finger even more than he already is, then her goodbye to him tonight would have done the trick. Without any prompting, she said, "I love you" and then asked for a kiss.


Nellie said...

i totally believe i had a baby! i look like i'm asleep!! thank you for the pictures. :)