Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Self Discipline

I could write about how weepy I got as I was putting away the clothes that Grace has outgrown. I could write about my current obsession of finding toddler bedding for Grace. I could write about my constant obsession with Gymboree and how I have spent every free moment not reading my book club selection like I should, but online salivating over their new fall line. Instead I'm going to tell you about my self-disciplining child.

As I was in the kitchen cooking dinner, I realized that it had been a few minutes since I had heard from Grace- almost always a sign that she's gotten into something she shouldn't have. (And as a sign of an hard core blogger trying to capture all of my family's moments- big or small, I went to look for her with my camera in hand.) Sure enough, when I found her, she had made a mess of her baby wipes- something she has gotten in trouble for countless times.

She was so entranced with the wipes that she didn't even hear me come up on her. When she finally realized I was there, she jumped up with the guiltiest look on her face and immediately said, "Palo!" and went to smack her own hand.

Palo is the Filipino word for spanking. Now, I have never actually spanked her, but I might have threatened it a time or two. Even if I was tempted to discipline Grace, how could I carry it out when I have a hard time not laughing out loud at the cuteness of it all?

I'm sure the day will come when the severity of the mess/action will warrant some real discipline (i.e. loud yelling and time outs), but today, it was all laughter and hugs.


Meagan said...

That is such a funny story. Kids are so great, especially your Grace!