Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm Stuck

For the most part, Grace is very easy to put down for a nap. There are times when she might resist, but I ignore any talking and/or whining and eventually she'll drift off to sleep. The only time I go into her room is if I hear her saying, "I'm stuck" because there have been a few times when she's gotten herself stuck at the top of the rail trying to climb out of her crib.

This afternoon, I could tell she wasn't in the mood to go down for a nap easily. But I put her down anyway, walked out, and ignored all the calls for mama.

Then I heard the magic words.

So I walked in there, ready to help her down from the crib rail, but the girl was actually lying down and twirling her hair. When she saw me, she giggled, held out her arms, and said, "Good morning!"

I think it might be time to introduce the story of the little boy who cried wolf.


Michael said...

Grace's antics define "cute"!

Julie, the mama said...

That little Turkey! :-)

Meagan said...

The toddler years are so fun!