Sunday, September 5, 2010


What is wrong with these two pictures? Hint: something seems a little backwards...

The very first time I went to Ikea was in Japan and I wasn't very impressed at all. In fact, I was a bit annoyed at how crowded it was and I was slightly overwhelmed by all the stuff. But I've slowly come to love the place, especially since I now have a child who has been steadily accumulating toys and I am in desperate need to organize it all before it gets too crazy.

I've found that the key to a successful Ikea trip is to come prepared with a plan. This time, I had a list of exactly what I was looking for after researching for a week online. I gave that list to my dear husband who was responsible for gathering it all up and loading it in the car, all while taking care of Grace. This gave me the opportunity to wander around aimlessly and get some new ideas for what I might want to get for our next trip. I just might make Ikea trips a monthly event.


Julie, the mama said...

I love Ikea, too. Can't wait to see your new system - LOVE the pink and green bins!