Sunday, September 26, 2010

Another Party and a Costco Membership

We attended another birthday party this afternoon and Grace was very interested when it came time to sing Happy Birthday. I thought it was because she really enjoys the song and is fascinated with candles. It turns out, she was just trying to sample the cake before it was time. Thankfully the birthday boy was a good sport about Grace sticking her hand in his cake.

This picture shows her licking her fingers after sampling some apple pie that we got at Costco. Mike and I are now members of a wholesale club. I officially feel like a mom now that I can buy diapers in bulk.


Meagan said...

She is such a cutie pie!

Welcome to the bulk club! I LOVE Costco, I can't believe you weren't a member in Japan.

That dress she is wearing is pretty darn cute!

Julie, the mama said...

How cute is that t-shirt???? LOVE IT!