Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sore Cheeks

I laughed so hard all through dinner tonight with a few of my favorite girls that my cheeks are now sore. What a fantastic time! I almost couldn't go because I didn't have a babysitter, but my saint of a brother, Carl, volunteered to babysit, along with Uncle Josh. On their last night of spring break, no less. I am a lucky sister to have such awesome brothers.

Visiting with Lola after church.

We took Uncle Josh bowling this afternoon as his last spring break hurrah. Grace miraculously napped through all the noise of a bowling alley and didn't wake up until it was time to go home.

I was going to just watch the boys play, but I couldn't resist joining the fun. It's been so long since I bowled! I had to buy these awesome ankle socks and rent these fabulous shoes. After seeing this picture I realized a couple things- fluorescent lighting is the worst lighting possible and I really need to get a tan. I'm looking quite pasty for a girl who's supposed to be naturally brown.


josyl said...

why do i look uncomfortable in the pic?? or like i'm about to mount judy. lol always good times with everyone especially my bff! i'm scared i'm stlll up and we're going shopping in the a.m. LOL

Meagan said...

What a wonderful evening!! I love nights that end with sore cheeks, they are just great.

Julie, the mama said...

Nothing like laughing with the ladies. What sweet brothers you have to babysit. Although I suspect they would jump at any chance to keep that adorable Grace.