Thursday, April 29, 2010

Empty Fridge

You know it's time to go to the grocery store when you open the fridge and it looks like this. After we dropped Lola off at the airport, Grace and I made a quick trip to Walmart to get provisions to last us until I can make a big grocery run this weekend.

I have yet to finish unpacking everything, the house is in shambles, and I'm super tired. At least Grace is asleep, but with that girl, you never know how long it's going to last, so I'm going to turn a blind eye on all the things I should take care of and head to bed instead. It'll all still be here tomorrow and maybe after getting some rest, I'll find the motivation to tackle it.

This is what you get when you ask to see her teeth.


Daddy said...

Gotta love that Augustine Uni-brow!!! It'll help keep the boys away in 15 years ;o)