Friday, April 16, 2010

Late Night Bribery

It's a rare night when I can get this girl to bed by 9. She is such a night owl. When my eyes were starting to get droopy, but she was still running around like the Energizer Bunny, I stuck her in the pack'n'play and hoped for the best.

I was prepared for lots of whining and more than a few crocodile tears. Instead Grace decided to take the charmer's way out. She smiled at me. She asked for hugs. She gave me beautiful eyes. And she even tried to give me kisses.

I stood strong through the attempted bribery to break loose and left her in there. Ten minutes later, she was out like a light and snoring away. Mama one, Grace zero.


Julie, the mama said...

Gotta love it when we outsmart these babies. That is definitely a rare thing around here.

Meagan said...

I don't know how you say no to those lips! In yesterdays pics and now todays, she is just darling! I love how expressive she is.

Lola said...

Better luck next time Grace. If Lola was home, that's not a problem. You can stay late as long you want. Sorry baby, Lola is working until morning today.