Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Quick Highlights

*Her favorite activity is opening every cabinet door she can in the house.

*She is so great at imitating now, especially words. Her new words for this week so far- butt (Thanks, Uncle Josh), cool (Thanks, Uncle Ninong), close (Thanks, Lola), and m&m (Thanks to her mama).

*Her new favorite gesture is nodding her head anytime she hears the word yes. She'll call out, "Mama!" and I'll say, "Yes?" and the next thing I know she's walking towards me while nodding her head over and over again.

*Lolo has asked her to show him her beautiful eyes (batting her eyelashes) so many times that now, whenever she sees him or hears him on the phone, she automatically does beautiful eyes without even being asked.

*She is into EVERYTHING, as evidenced by today's pictures. She took out the contents of this cabinet in the family room and then used it as her little playhouse.


Julie, the mama said...

Every mama needs one of these. They keep us on our toes. Cute, cute pictures. Love that she is so full of personality.

Meagan said...

I agree, she is sooo full of personality!! Cute pictures!

Uncle Josh said...

There is one other cute new thing of her's that my sister failed to mention. Grace recently has been able to find people laughing funny. For example, Uncle Ninong and Uncle Josh would laugh at the mystery stride flavor commercial and when our laughter fades away, you begin to hear the soft, forced out laugh from Grace. The cutest sound ever.