Friday, April 9, 2010

Mango Madness

Grace has been on a roll lately with eating all kinds of exotic things and today it was the delicious tropical mango. We got home from running errands to find Lola and Lolo home from the restaurant. Grace immediately ran to Lola and completely ignored Lolo, no matter how hard he tried to get her attention. Don't feel bad, Lolo. Grace has no love for anyone else, not even her mama, when Lola is around.

But her attitude about Lolo completely changed once he came back from the kitchen with some sliced mangoes. She was instantly by his side and asking for a bite. One taste and she was hooked. She kept asking for more even after it was all gone. After Lolo fed her the mango snack, she was all about giving him hugs and beautiful eyes.

Apparently, the way to Grace's heart is through her stomach. She is definitely her daddy's daughter.


Meagan said...

I've said it a hundred times, but it is worth saying again... Grace eats everything, and I am jealous!

I love the picture of her and your Dad. Just darling!

Julie, the mama said...

That is a funny story about Grace and the mangos. So glad you are writing all of this down!