Monday, April 26, 2010

Packing Revelation

Our Virginia Beach vacation is nearly over. I would be sad about that fact if I had time to sit still and contemplate, but I'm too busy trying to get our stuff together. I'm in the middle of packing and realize Grace is going home with a wardrobe that has doubled, thanks to her Lola and Grandma. The child can now go for at least a month without wearing the same outfit twice!

We had a nice lunch with Lola and Lolo today, followed by an afternoon of shopping with Lola.

Can you tell that Grace adores her Lola and Grandma? And that the feeling is mutual?


Julie, the mama said...

Little girls are so fun to buy for! Especially when they look as adorable as Grace does in her clothes.

Be safe traveling home.

Joannemay Estoesta said...

Can you imagine yourself as a Lola? Hard to imagine, but we'll both be there someday!