Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Thursday

We had an awesome day because I got the chance to spend time with some of my favorite girls today- an afternoon at the aquarium with Michelle, dinner with my fellow former Landstown Middle School teachers, and a movie night in with Josyl. My day was filled with lots of smiles and laughter. Definitely had a happy Thursday!

Even though I was slightly freaked out by the horseshoe crab, Grace surprisingly enjoyed petting the thing.

Tried out the leash for the first time today at the aquarium. To the lady who was giving me dirty looks, don't worry, she lasted all of 5 minutes in the thing.

Mandy with her son, Bryce, Kathy, and Daria. I've had some great times with these girls, both in school and out.


Joannemay said...

....You could always try the squeaky shoes.... We took out one squeaker from Mya's shoe. It worked. We could "hear" her whereabouts, if you don't like the leash.

Julie, the mama said...

The lady who was giving you dirty looks clearly has never had to chase a toddler through an aquarium.

Glad y'all had such a great day!

Meagan said...

Grace is so brave, look at her go at the petting tank! That is awesome!!

We used to leash, we also tied jingle bells to her shoelaces. And I am not too proud to admit I also carried a wooden spoon too.

Sounds like an fantastic day!!