Saturday, February 27, 2010

Under the Weather

We were hoping for some good weather today so that we could venture out somewhere, but rain in the morning kept us in again.

It was just as well since my sweet baby wasn't feeling her best. She didn't have much of an appetite and wasn't happy unless I was holding her. We went through several outfit changes when she got sick all over the both of us.

I don't have much experience taking care of a sick child because, thankfully, Grace has been blessed with good health. So I started to get a bit nervous when I realized Grace was feeling a bit under the weather. My first thought as a nervous first time mama was to take her in to the doctor, but after doing some research in my baby book and online, I decided to relax a little. Keep her hydrated and keep her happy.

So we spent most of our day cuddling on the couch watching way too much television. And she got all the diluted apple juice she desired. After her afternoon nap, I could tell she was feeling better because she no longer wanted cuddle with me. It was back to making a mess all over the house. At one point I caught myself actually smiling at all the mess because it meant my sweet girl was feeling better again.


Lola said...

I thank God she is feeling better. Nothing worries me more than a sick baby. Love you both.

Julie, the mama said...

Glad the illness was short lived.

Meagan said...

Having a sick baby is the worst! I am glad she seems to be on the mend.

Michael said...

Is it a coincidence, or Providence, that Grace is sick at the same time Grandma is sick? Grandma is feeling better today. And, Grace is feeling better. Halleluiah! Grandma and Grandpa love you both.