Saturday, February 13, 2010

Did You Make a Stinky?

I'm not quite sure how this started, but Grace knows how to get her own clean diapers. I think I may have asked her for one once, just to see if she knew what I was talking about, and to my surprise she actually brought it to me. So now, every morning when it's time to change out of her overnight diaper, she's responsible for bringing me a clean one to change into. Sometimes she gets distracted along the way with a random toy or book, but for the most part, she does a great job.

She went above and beyond today. I was on the bed checking emails while she played around the bedroom when I caught a whiff of something stinky. I asked her, "Did you make a stinky?"

She scrunched up her face into the 'stinky face' expression and, without being asked, brought me a clean diaper. It turns out she did indeed make a stinky. I was so proud of her as only her mama could be.

My movie date with Uncle Josh meant an afternoon of fun for Grace spent with Lola and Lolo. She had a fabulous time running around the restaurant and helping Lola decorate with Valentine's Day balloons.

Her new expression for the camera when I try to get her to smile looks suspiciously like her 'stinky face'.

Aunt Megan stopped by to bring Valentine's Day gifts for Grace, and I was trying to hide them until tomorrow morning. But Grace is a stuffed animal detector because she totally found the teddy bear and immediately pulled it out of the gift bag.


Julie, the mama said...

Yay! Maybe that means she'll be easy to potty train! At the least, it is mighty helpful to have someone bring you clean diapers.