Friday, February 26, 2010

No Pain, No Gain

I am sore, sore, sore. This is what happens when you decide to do a full on workout and you haven't done anything in quite a while. I was sore this morning from yesterday's workout, but I still managed to do a mini workout today. No pain, no gain! I didn't want to lose momentum. That 'I just had a baby' excuse got old a long time ago since my baby is now 13 months old.

Grace and I had a great time today doing a whole lot of nothing. We chased each other around the house and played with every single toy she had. Her favorite right now is the lion walker which we converted to a ride on toy. She still hasn't gotten the hang of pushing herself on it so I have to get down on my hands and knees and help her. It's painful on the knees, but the giggles and laughter are worth it. I'll do anything to hear her sweet laugh.


Meagan said...

Good for you Cicely! You are such a trooper with the workout.

And just so you know, you look amazing!