Friday, February 19, 2010

Headed Home

Our bags are packed and loaded in the car, and the baby is finally sleeping peacefully. I'm not too far behind her. We spent the day hanging out with family. Saying goodbye won't be too hard because we'll be back here very soon. I love being back stateside and on the east coast close to family!

I'm praying for a safe and uneventful trip tomorrow. And just as a heads up to my loyal followers (Hi Kim!), I may not blog for the rest of the weekend due to exhaustion.

I love this outfit on Grace, but this may be the last time she'll wear it. It is starting to get a little small. And she received so many adorable clothes for her birthday that I need to start rotating her outfits or else she'll outgrow those before she's even had a chance to wear them.

This girl adores stuffed animals. She will squeal at the top of her lungs whenever she sees one.

Training her early!

Her new thing is the shoulder shrug.