Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday doesn't mean anything to me other than funny commercials, so it was just an ordinary day for me and Grace. We went to church with my family, had lunch at the restaurant, and then went to the Exchange to get Mike some socks.

While we were at the Exchange, we got a chance to say hello to Grandma who was working today. I think by the way she showed off Grace to every single co-worker, she was just as happy as we were by the surprise visit. Of course, being Grandma's girl, Grace bawled when it was time to say goodbye.

Nothing too exciting, but that's just fine by me. I don't mind ordinary days at all. Sometimes, ordinary days are just perfect.

Lola's sweet goddaughter, Jade, was a little jealous that she didn't have Lola's full attention this afternoon.

Despite the momentary bouts of jealousy, the 3 girls had fun playing with each other.

Grace doesn't think much of the Super Bowl either. This is what she was doing while the game was on.